omg kitties!

Photo Update
June 4, 2006, 11:21 am
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1.  I got cat grass.  They love it.

2.  Entry for stuff on my cat?

3.  McOrange has this thing with standing or sleeping on things, with half his body off.  In this picture, he held this position for like 5 minutes.  Last night, I looked up at the cat tree and saw his ass hanging off as he slept.  He also does the same with his head.

Kitties gone + update
June 4, 2006, 11:15 am
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So Bella and Sophie have been at their new house for about a week now.  I got an update saying that they are adjusting well, and doing an adequate job at raising hell 🙂

It's been a lot less busy around here with them gone, obviously.  Moo-face (I really need to get a better name for him) and McOrange are playing a lot more together, of course.  Baby has even joined in, since she probably has more energy now.

She is due to be vaccinated and spayed ASAP, so I'll be making an appointment for that hopefully this week.  She still seems to be producing milk, but the kitties are lucky to get 3 suckles off her in a day.

I was also concerned that the kitties were becomming less affectionate, since I'm gone so long for work during the day.  So, I started giving them little treats whenever they'd come over, hoping that they'd hang out in my lap.

It appears that I've unleashed the inner fat cat, because they are all over me.  Now Moo-face sleeps on my legs.  McOrange is a little more stand offish, but I'm working on him too.

I think Baby is in heat because she is more affectionate than ever.  She writhes on the ground by my feet whenever I stand up.  The rest of the time she is chirping and brRRrowing. 

Luckily, there hasn't been much yowling at night.  There was for a couple of nights, but I let the 8 lanes of queensway traffic take care of that, by opening up my windows at night.  Now I know why my rent is so cheap…

Oh yeah, I got a new rug for my living room from the Great Glebe Garage Sale, and the cats were SO happy.  They refused to leave that room for like 5 days.

7am, first morning after long weekend
May 23, 2006, 5:58 pm
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good morning!

Spot the kitties
May 23, 2006, 5:56 pm
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May 23, 2006, 5:54 pm
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Kitties napping.

Sometimes they nap on top of me.  🙂  Last night, Moo-face slept with me, curled up in my armpit, for most of the night until Bella got bored of this sleeping crap and decieded to run like hell all over the bed.

new favourite toy
May 23, 2006, 5:51 pm
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This thing winds up and has a feather attached to a spinning rod.

Here are McOrange and Sophi working together to utterly destroy (read: look cute pawing at) it.

May 23, 2006, 5:47 pm
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Baby needs a home
May 20, 2006, 4:48 pm
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Please look at the page I made for Baby!

Great News!
May 18, 2006, 7:55 am
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Bella and SMN, who is now known as Sophie, have been adopted!  They are going to a good home together to raise hell er uh.. to live.


I'm actually really excited for their new mom, Sarah.  She'll be getting them around the 28th!

 So that means, for everyone else, there are no more kitties left for adoption! (I am keeping McOrange and Moo-face). So thanks for your inquiries! Right now only Baby is still up for adoption, so please let me know if you're interested in spoiling her!

McOrange is a bastard
May 18, 2006, 7:47 am
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But we all knew that.

 Here is moo-face, innocently playing in the yellow tunnel.

Here is that scene, about 5 seconds later:

I rest my case…

PS, McOrange has a tartan now, being irish and all. He is learning to play the bagpipes to represent his countrymen.